Owari Baptist Church – English Page

Owari Baptist church is a Baptist church in Nagoya, Japan (Aichi Prefecture). We are in the south-western part of the city in Minato-ku. (click here to see our location on Google Maps)

Our Sunday services are currently in Japanese, but we do have a number of bilingual people who attend.

What does “Owari” mean?

“Owari” (尾張) was the name of our province before it merged with neighboring “Mikawa” to form Aichi prefecture in 1872. Owari Baptist church is here to start many churches in this region (Nagoya and beyond).

Our mission

We are on mission to help people far from God find and follow Jesus Christ.

We are currently praying for and working toward starting 16 churches in Nagoya by 2030 to make more disciples of Jesus.


We believe in the traditional, fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith.

  • We believe the Bible is God’s Word
  • We believe there is one God in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
  • We believe that people are born separated from God because of sin.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ (the Son) was born of a virgin, lived a perfect/sinless life, and died on the cross for the sins of all mankind. He was physically and bodily resurrected 3 days later and is alive today.
  • We believe that anybody who turns from their sin and puts their faith in Jesus Christ will be completely forgiven and given new life in Jesus Christ.
  • We believe Jesus is coming back soon.
  • We believe that the disciples of Jesus Christ are called to make disciples of all nations and share the good news of Jesus Christ with everybody, regardless of race or creed.

Church News and updates

For the most recent updates, please check out our church instagram (Japanese)

Sermons are posted on our YouTube Channel.

Church access

Our church has parking available in front of the main building as well as off-site. Please view our access page for details (Japanese).


Takahiro (James) and Rosie Miyashita moved to Nagoya, Japan in 2021 as church planters. They enjoy life in Nagoya with their three children and desire to see more people find and follow Jesus Christ in Japan.

Miyashita Family

Looking for a church in Nagoya, Japan?

If you are looking for a church in Nagoya, Japan for you or someone else, please feel free to reach out to us on Instagram or send an email to owaribaptist@gmail.com